Trust in the LORD!!!
Jeremiah 17: 7-8
7 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.
8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
vin was sharing with me about this last night. this is repeated in the Bible again somewhere else... i think he said it is in Isaiah as well... interesting to note that this shows us that even when we are truly blessed by the Lord with evergreen leaves and endless fruit, there will be troubles with heat and drought. but fear not cos we are blessed always, just trust that God is faithful and He will continually bless!
with that, it was a confirmation for me. women are the ones who get more stressed about things. especially about this bridal studio saga. over the past week, i cried to God and said no more do i want this stress and uncertainty. i know that He will bless and let this preparation phase be a joy to vin and me, not a time of sorrow... so this shows that even when there are problems happening, i know that God is FOR ME not against me and all things will turn out good for those who love Him =)))
so now, i am ok. still learning to trust and depend on God and not being a worry wart. i guess the wedding thing sometimes overwhelms, cos there is just sooo much that we need to think about. so many details and it is mostly about finances and people's views, so it is super not easy to manage. but yes it is still very fun =))) decided not to call up my designer to bug him and let God help me in this... will update you all more with good reports!!!!!
took some pictures and hope to show you all soon... about our wedding band hunt!!!!! ^_^
wonder if the 8888th reader will reveal him/herself... hehehehehe... =Pp chinese new year period leh... will you get the 'lucky' 8888??? kekeke...