Monday, March 26, 2007

i miss u alll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this is wenhui n my fav foto... yong doesnt like this foto as much as e other one e 3 of us took... but cos wenhui n i like it, sori yong, im postin this instead hahahahaha... dun wori la... u as pretty as ever... kekeke... =)

neleus n me... she's flyin to US tonite... fer at least 2 years... boy r we all gona miss her... miss her whining, her smiles, her rubbish, her v fashionable dress sense, her workaholic attitude, her greedy face... but dun wori lai juan!!!!! time will zip past n maybe we will b visitin u!!!!!!!! ^_^

haha sori gerry altho we haf a pic, but e lightin not gd lehhh, foto not v clear so cant post... muz QC e fotos b4 postin on e net u noe... HAHAHAHA... take another one again soon!!!!!

eh yong, ur previous nokia fone aso take fotos wif e 'piao bai' effect hor? now change to SE still lidat... but aso nice la... look fair n beautiful... like advertisement fer olay... HAHAHAHA... =P

was tokin to lilian (ex-colleague) n she sae over here its much beta than where she is now... i agree dat e culture n pple here r great, compared to many other places... but i still prefer deloitte... n we concluded, guess its where we first started out... fer both of us, we prefer our first company n its e place where till now, we spent most of our career in... its somethin like JC... e first intake, second intake kinda feelin...

rem when i first stepped into VJ as a 2nd intake... i reali disliked it alot... cos everyone had their frens n e grp dynamics were alreadi there... felt so out of place... of cos in e end i did like e sch but no matter wat, i would alwayz haf my heart fer my 1st sch... dats where frenships were forged n grp rships start to b forged...

anywaez so i miss my team so much... been so long since yong, wenhui n me sat down to tok... miss e times when we suffered together under e hands of XXX n we held strong together... when we experienced probs wif our assistants... when we were super stressed wif our concurrent jobs... miss e dow team too... all e rubbish we toked abt, all e deadlines we had to rush to meet as a team, all e food we gobbled together, all e super late nites we endured together, all e ugly faces n terrible attitudes we gave each other...

i thank God fer u all n i miss u all...