An uplifting post
too many pple can feel my sorrow so i beta buck up n get back to my hahaha self again... tough as it is, but i will b able to make a comeback... so hang on everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
anywaez juz to share wif all of u wat encouraged me a few daes ago... was readin 1 Thessalonians chapter 1 n this verse struck me:
3We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.
yes!!!!!!! e results dat come out from my hard wk here is from e faith dat i haf in God... dat He will c me through... dat He will deliver me from my trials n tribulations... dat He will grant me victory when i honor Him in all dat i do!!!!!
my labor in my service to Him n to e pple God has placed in my life to love is as a result from my love to God cos He first loved me sooo much while im yet a sinner... cos of His abundant n unconditional love He has given to me, i m able to love others n thus continue in this labor to serve mankind...
n i continue to endure in all dat i do in e hope dat He will deliver me... in e hope of His glorious coming where He will come n pat me on my back n sae 'well done, gd n faithful servant!' wow!!!!!!! this is wat i continue to press on for... this is wat i continue to hang on to cos onli God can produce wonderful miracles n cos He IS a faithful God n He has blessed me sooooooo much, He WILL continue to pour forth His blessings on my life...
b blessed, my friend... God loves u... =)
hello hello to all XS-ians... e pics r on e below link... waaa didnt noe webshots can allow slideshow on my blog!!!!!!!!! so li hai!!!!!!!!! enjoy enjoy n click on e link below (wherever it is, sure haf one) to go to e site to d/l e fotos!!!!!! ^_^
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