Wednesday, December 03, 2008

what a miracle!!!

some of you may know that i have a phobia of a particular pest. when i see it, dead or alive, i will scream and run as far as i can.

a few nights back, i was about to sleep and went to the toilet. had a queasy feeling and looked to my right and i saw it walking around looking like it was going to fly. i quickly finished my stuff and shut the door and ran out, hoping that it will not come out of the toilet, which it very likely could.

went back to the room and told vin. but i knew that he would not do anything when he was going to sleep, so there was nothing that could be done.

vin looked at me and said, 'just pray, tell God!'
so i said 'God, can you please get rid of that thing, if you could, if...'
and vin said 'when you pray, just believe, tell God and thank Him for doing it. simple as that!'
i looked at him with my human mind thinking that that was just too much for my small faith to accept but just decided that i was just too desperate so i said 'God, please kill that thing NOW NOW NOW! thank you very much! and well, also kill all of them around the whole world NOW! thank you Lord, amen!'

then i tried my very best to sleep...

next morning, i woke up and right away i asked vin to go and kill it, if it was still in the toilet. he got up and i heard the sound of a slipper hitting the floor repeatedly and was rejoicing in my heart that it was still there for vin to kill it =)

on the way to work, i asked vin if it was still at the same spot where i described to him. he said that amazingly it was and also it was already flipped over!!!!! so it was basically on the brink of death when vin saw it!!!!!


reminds me of our honeymoon in maldives where we went night fishing. i asked God to allow us to get alot of fish before the trip. it was a simple innocent prayer and God answered it in a huge way! vin and i were the most amatuer fishermen. there was a man who had all the equipment and his family seemed to have gone fishing with him before. yet, vin and i caught the biggest fishes and the most as well!!! both of us combined was almost equal to the other 4-5 of them!!!

our God is an awesome God, He reigns from Heaven above. nothing is too small for our all powerful and huge God!!! ^_^

yes lyn, i did notice that i stopped blogging since vin is back HAHAHAHAHA... thanks for the reminder to post!!! =)))))